Category: Blog
I recently went to Bad Malente in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany to spend a day swimming in one of the lakes and taking a few pictures. There is this 1970s concrete high-rise by the Dieksee that fascinated me. It used to be the Intermar Hotel and is long since defunct. Nobody really knows what to do…
Odds & Ends II
This is one of my personal favourites. Unfortunately, the original got lost over time and there is only this really small version left. I took it some years ago while travelling Palatinate in southern Germany. And really, I think you can’t get any more german than this picture. The „Einfamilienhäuser”, standing much too close for…
Odds & Ends I
Starting off my series of pictures that haven‘t found a home or context yet, I have chosen this photo I took at a market in Gdansk in the early 2000s. It is quite untypical in that it prominently features a human being, albeit with their back turned to us. I still like it for the…
This is the section for thoughts, ramblings and pictures that are not (yet) part of any collection. It will be updated monthly, unless something interesting happens or I am bored, then I might increase the frequency. Starting things off with a shot I like very much and could be part of a „Lost Hamburg” series.…