Category: Gallery

  • Time vs Man

    Time vs Man

    Psychogeographic entropy. Everything moves towards a state of higher disorder and randomness. The ghosts of presents past fading into memories.

  • Wet Walks

    Wet Walks

    Nature in its eternal cycle of being and un-being. Overripe and oversaturated. The sights and smells of autumn walks in northern Germany.

  • Where I Was From

    Where I Was From

    Autobiographical sketches from a suburban childhood. Places where we used to play, places we passed almost daily, and the odd seaside holiday. The title is nicked from Joan Didion.

  • Traces Of Life

    Traces Of Life

    The intersection between private and public. The rupture in the membrane that protects us. The unease felt when imagining being invited into the lives of strangers. Alienness, alienation and dissociation. The inscrutable otherness of the world.